Each year the Latin American Community Center (LACC) organizes three signature events to celebrate Delaware’s Hispanic community and to recognize their many achievements. Attended by many of Delaware’s most influential leaders, these events support critical services that benefit the Latino and wider community.

The Latin American Community Center Fiesta Latina (formerly known as the Open House) is an annual event that kicks off Hispanic Herritage Month. Community members, local organizations, and government officials are invited to the LACC to celebrate Hispanic culture at this outdoor event. We will be blocking off the streets, and filling them with music, performances, and great food. Delaware political leaders will be invited to give speeches and proclaim Hispanic Heritage Month. In 2023 funds raised during this year’s Fiesta Latina will support our Life Empowerment division which helps individuals establish or re-establish self-sufficiency. Life Empowerment Programs include, but are not limited to, financial literacy, workforce development, ESL classes, domestic violence support, and HIV early intervention services. The 2023 Fiesta Latina will be held on Friday September 8th at 401 North Harrison Street in Wilmintgon.
Since 1979, the Hispanic Student Recognition Program (HSRP) has highlighted the achievements of exceptional Hispanic students in Delaware. In 2023 the LACC has decided to expand and evolve the program and create the Minerva Marrero Hispanic Scholarship Program!
Named after one of the original HSRP founders, this program will provide scholarships to Delaware Hispanic high school seniors who enroll in a post-secondary program (2-year, 4-year, or trade school) after graduation.
Since 1969 the Latin American Community Center’s annual Grand Ball is the premiere creative and social event of Delaware’s Hispanic community. Honoring those who have made exceptional contributions to society, the Gala includes an award ceremony, a cocktail hour with interactive activities, dinner, and live music. This black-tie optional gala, hosted by our Board of Directors and planned by our Grand Ball Committee, is made possible by donors in the community.
The Annual Grand Ball is the agency’s largest fundraising event supporting our Early Childhood Services (ECS) and Youth Development programs. This year, the theme of the Grand Ball is “Celebrating 30 Years of Maria” in honor of LACC President & CEO Maria Matos' 30 years of leadership and advocacy. Join us as we celebrate on Friday, October 11, 2024 at Deerfield.
The Latin American Community Center presents a unique art contest and invites participants to explore addiction through artistic expression.